Monday, May 31, 2010

Hey will you be getting more of your cutey cupcake toppers in? The farm ones to be exact?

I am hoping during the summer I can convince my talented friend to create some more for me and when she does I will be sure to Tweet Twitter FB and blog all about it! In the meantime keep your eyes on the site as we are bringing in a LOT of new stock! Thanks for the question! xox

Ask me anything

Can I ask for tell me where I find you brown liners. I order from other and not same ones. I like you quality. Many thanks.

Hiya, Certainly I can tell you, we have the official brown liners available in many sizes. Please check our site and you will find what you are looking for.

Ask me anything

The Icing on the Cupcake by Jennifer Ross

This being the last day of May we are going to have a giveaway! My friend Jennifer Ross has recently published a book and has kindly sent me a couple as give-aways over the next short while. Many I am certain rushed out to purchase her lovely novel and some just have not had the time. Well this book is a must read as I know of many women who found their salvation through cupcakes, me being one of those said women and this book is a must read for you! To enter is not a big giant go here and there and everywhere, simply head to our facebook group and typing on our wall tell your friends to enter (the more the merrier) Then just click back to here and leave me your email addie and a comment so I can let you know if you won! Contest closes on June 11th at 12:00 am Central time. Good luck and congrats Jenn on your new publication!

Sunday, May 30, 2010


I have a great fondness of any bird but the blue bird takes me right back to my childhood and my Gran R reading me Cinderella over and over and over. I loved those blue birds toting that pink ribbon to Cinderellas dress! The feature I love the most on these cupcakes is the little spackle of blue dust on the cupcake. This is definitively a go to if you are looking for that fairy tale Birthday celebration. Cheers to the Artisan Cake Company! xox

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Earl Grey Cupcake Method and Rose Water

You can adapt this to most any cupcake or cake batter recipe that you have which indeed requires milk. The method you would use is to take your milk volume and bring it to a gentle boil, place 4 Earl Grey tea bags into the milk to create the infusion. For a successful flavour transfer to your cupcake without a bitter taste you  must only steep to a maximum of 40 minutes. Be certain to remove and discard tea bags at this point. To enhance the floral taste of the bergamot you at this point will want to add 1 tsp of rose water to your infusion. Make sure to cool the infusion before pouring into your wet ingredients of your recipe.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Photo - Cupcakes for fun -

Photo - Cupcakes for fun - You can always find us at The Betty Crocker Mixing Bowl and can sign up for free, share recipes and inspirational photos and meet bakers that share a common thread with you. I just love the colours captured here in the submission by fun castle.
Thank you

Pinkalicious Cupcake

I have yet to read Pinkalicious however this is all the motivation I need. Destini certainly captures that festive pink sweet celebratory mood with her work. Very inspiring and with a little patience I think anyone ought to try their hand at this. Just lovely.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

how do you put in the cream filling?

There are 2 techniques I use. One is to use an apple corer and pull out a plug of cake, then I pipe the plug full of filling. I freeze the cake cores for other uses later. The second technique is I use a pastry filler tip and squeeze the filling gently into the cupcake with quite a firm hold on the sides. ( do not over fill or your cake will indeed split) Hope this helps

Ask me anything

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers Day to you All

Today is a different Mother's Day for me. I am not with my children this year as they give me a Mothers day everyday of my life. This year I am treating my hens to a spa for chickens like Mothers Day and they are loving it. They woke up to a delicious watermelon cut in half for the taking and mounds of strawberry hulls.

Much to my surprise they are also in love with warm brown rice so yes you guess it, a warm breakky on a chilled morning.

Finally to finish the morning breakky, coconut cupcakes unfrosted of course.

It is truly a Mothers day to share with you and my kids (25 years, 19 years, 11 years)
Cheers to all of you on Mother's Day
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