Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Halloween Blog Party

I came across A Fanciful Twist in Etsy. Lots of talent here. Vanessa is a brave one as she is hosting a blog party. Here is How Vanessa works this:

"Come one, come all!!! A party where anything goes!! Sparkles, candy, costumes, cupcakes, haunted tea-time, goblin children, pets playing dress-up, crafts, pictures, decorations, ideas, confetti, ghost stories, dancing around the cauldron, flying across the moon, striped socks, pointy shoes, capes, forest creatures, witches, gnomes, queens, sorcerers, wizards, warlocks, glitter, Art! Or plain old pj's and spooky (or non spooky) movies!! Anything, anything, anything goes."
I will then make a special place in my sidebar a couple days before the party, with a list of everyone participating, and we can visit eachother's blogs on the day of the party.

Vanessa Valencia can be found in Etsy. Join us here on this Blog October 18th for lots of wonderful halloween Surprises. We will also be linking up to A Fancful Twist to see what else Vanessa has in store!
See you there! Please sign up here in comments. If you have a blog you want me to link to please add that in comments as well. You can feature things you sell, ideas, comments etc... Really anything goes!



  1. Hi Lyns,
    Happy to join the blog. Still trying to work through a google snag. I'll post again when I get it straightened out.
    Got my liners today...yaa..I'm happy!

  2. I'll join the party and thank you for inviting me, I've been wanting to watch scary movies and make Halloween cupcakes since October started. :)

  3. I joined in the Halloween Blog Party the other day too! How fun!?

  4. I am so in! This sounds fun.

    project domestication blog

  5. OK :0) You talked me into it... I'll have to remember to get it together before the actual date!

    I'll be using


  6. I'm in!

    I hope you don't mind if I make a post on All Things Cupcake about your blog party.


Love to hear from you, then we know what you like!