Monday, October 27, 2008

More Talent and Cupcake Pals

As the travel on the net continues, I keep finding all these awesome people. I vowed this week I would write about them and their talents. As we all should appreciate our inspirations. The next cupcakkie I met after Marilla (cupcakerehab) is Natalie (bake and destroy) This was exciting for me because I love her Etsy shop and her incredible baking savvy. We have picked up her little bake or die ninja pins, her wonderful quality t's, her B&D pins and also her awesome Hallowe'en toppers. Both the movie poster and the nostalgic kid's. Extreme quality here which impressed me so much I asked Natalie if she would like to design an exclusive for Sweet Cuppin Cakes Bakery.
When Natalie agreed I went over the moon TWICE!!! So watch for Bake and Destroy by Caged Tomato soon!
There is so much more I could write about Natalie but you should have the pleasure to discover this cupcake lass yourself!

Photo lifted off Natalie's Flickr post. Thanks natalie!


  1. Thank lady! In turn, I offer you this:


Love to hear from you, then we know what you like!