Monday, November 24, 2008

Fairie Cottage Cupcakes

These are absolutely marvellous. We came across this fantastic book by author Barbara Beery, titled Fairies Cookbook ages 6+

There is a recipe included for frosting that can incorporate one of our products in the webstore. Icing flavour powder! It is fantastic for decoration and adding flavour.

The recipe:
4 cups powdered sugar
3 tbsp meringue powder
2 tbsp *icing flavour powder
1/4 - 1/2 cup warm water
food colour
Beat powdered sugar and meringue powder with water and optional vanilla until combined. Then beat to stiff peaks about 5 minutes. You can add more powdered msugar or water to get to a working consistency if necessary. Divide into several small bowls and colour with *icing flavour powders or food colour paste. Decorate with sweets and graham crackers.
The recipe calls for 6 large cupcakes with wrappers removed. I found that a dense cupcakecake like carrot works best.


  1. These are so cute! Can you send me some for my birthday? (^_-)

  2. I thought about doing something like this also. I was thinking gingerbread cupcakes made into gingerbread houses. These are so cute


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