Saturday, September 24, 2011

Bridget from Bake at 350, Pinterest and Sixlets!

Head over and check Bake at 350 out you will love that you did!

So here I am with another sweet story. This one is about a gal I learned about a couple of years ago and have kept up with via the vast social network out there. Bridget and I have something in common she may not even know about, but it makes me smile whenever I see her pull these out! SIXLETS! In Kentucky I live not far from the "Sixlets" manufacturer so I have been diggin these a long time. They can turn into cherries, caterpillars, ants, stones in a crown; you get the idea.
My inbox brought these lovelies to me this morning, and I popped right over to Bridget's blog to savour her talent once again, and add them to my Pinterest resource. I love the pinterest boards!

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