Pumpkin Cupcake Filling and Frosting
1 8oz package cream, softened
2 jars marshmallow cream
15 oz solid pack pumpkin
1 tbsp cinnamon (saigon)
1 tub Cool Whip (500 gr)
Beat cream cheese and marshmallow creamuntil smooth. Stir in the pumpkin and cinnamon. Refridgerate. This can be used as a yummy filling.
To make frosting simply fold 500ml Cool whip into the mixture. Chill slighly and pipe onto any spicey harvest pumpkin, or apple spice raisin cupcake. I love My Mum's Boiled raisin Cake recipe for this, baked up as cupcakes, filled with the first method and a dollup of frosting with the second method. Yum.
Mum's Original recipe:

I make these up into 20 large cupcakes and fill with Part A of the above recipe and frost with Part B of the recipe.
Published in honour of my Mum. <3