So Chinese New Year took a backseat and passed by without much fanfare, I truly planned to do it all up for my kid's. We are not Chinese, but it is the year of the Dragon and I just had to buy decorations, fortune cookies, food items etc .... then they (the kids, decor and food) sat and waited for me to return from a trip I had taken not expecting to miss said celebrations. Robbie Burns Day was just another day of the week, which should not be so, because I am actually Scottish! But I’m not complaining at all really, things could be worse! So no recipe today .... but I did get up to something positive and productive YAY!
I spent a lot of the day today preparing the base of our lovely kits to be offered in our
webstore in the next couple of weeks, so instead of a recipe I decided to give you a sneak peak and get your thoughts, ideas and even maybe throw us a name to give each stack of liners that will be in the kits. If your name is chosen you will win that kit! Easy right! Oh and come "like"us on our new
Sweet Cuppin FB Page *battin lashes*
For these I am thinking super hero?? | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Alice in wonderland comes to my mind! |
Pink Bubble Bath for a Gal's Spa Party? |