Sunday, February 1, 2009

Stumbling Over a Cupcake

A new cupcake conundrum occurred over the weekend, which I decided to write about. I have the dearest most wonderful friend turning 50 on Monday. So what better thing to do is offer to make cupcakes for the party ... in saying this ... he is vegan and worth every ounce of 10 dozen minis made vegan. (he is worth more really)
Yep ... Eggs
Up until his enormous monologue on why eggs should not be consumed, I always used eggs in ALL my baking. I found myself thinking HOW? How can a baker not use eggs? Well, they have Lloyd as a great friend or they buy Vegan Cupcakes take Over the World.

In saying this I flipped through the book, which is fantastic for the expert vegan but this eggless way is very new to me. Or so I thought.
Funnily enough, my traditional chocolate chippin cuppin recipe is by default vegan ... who knew and it is YUMMMMMMERS. The frosting vegan as well ... I am on a serious roll here.
Till the topper ... EGG WHITES ... yes I went through a gazillion sites looking for egg whiteless adornments ( I wanted to use baby booties) EGG WHITES!
Then I looked in the shoppe and again, LOOK AT ME GO ... vegan sprinkles again by default ...
No egg whites just rice flour and soy with colouring ...
So if you have a Lloyd as a great pal, or are vegan, or want to be vegan for a cupcake day ...
click here for your party sprinkles...... If you want my recipe email me at lyndsay(AT)acupcakery(DOT)com
Cheers to Lloyd! My eggless wonder friend =o)
And cheers to Isa Chandra Moskowitz, Terry Hope Romero, Sara Quin for their awesome book.

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